Saturday, July 20, 2019

Personal Narrative †Vision of Jesus Essay -- Personal Narrative Writi

Personal Narrative – Vision of Jesus Jesus has appeared in the desert, and in the city. Jesus has appeared on paper, and in sculpture. Jesus has appeared on television, and in art. He has also failed to appear in His tomb. You’d figure that after all that travelling, He’d have to get a bite to eat sometime, so He also decided to appear at â€Å"Tim Horton’s.† Now, I would have thought that The Son of God would have appeared at a more high-class joint, like â€Å"Red Lobster,† but I, sir, am no theologist. The Lord works in mysterious ways. One thing I know, though, is that the lady who spotted the Blessed Visage on the side of that donut and coffee joint does not deserve her newfound reputation of having bats in her belfry. If we all believe that she has bats in hers, it’s a bad thing that we don’t have any in ours. She just happened to be buying a coffee, when she saw The Holy Ghost appear on a wall, and no one else did. Children do that sort of thing all the time, yet they are not ridiculed. Don’t you remember the lazy afternoons of childhood, lying in the green summer grass, staring at cloud littered sky, and picking out the different shapes created by the clouds on the deep blue canvas? â€Å"Look, it’s a lamb!† â€Å"Over there! Unbuttered popcorn!† â€Å"Whoa, that sort of looks like an old man’s beard!† â€Å"Hey, it’s Our Savior, Jesus Christ warning us about the upcoming Apocalypse!† Why not? It’s just the same. Just because the canvas on which she spotted this Holy Image was a solid brick wall, and not high up in the sky, close to Heaven, do we really have to question her mental stability? There are numerous similarities between a brick wall and the sky, enough that Jesus could ... ...le figure, are the turfs of the ghosts of Hamlet’s Father, Richard Nixon, and Elvis. So, if the King of Rock and Roll can be seen at a restaurant, why not the King of Kings? I’m sure He gets hungry sometimes. Others are using the excuse that He disappeared soon after a new set of lights were installed. â€Å"The real Jesus,† they say, â€Å"said He’d stick by His followers through thick and thin. He wouldn’t skip out on us like this on such short notice.† Remember that Jesus is a busy man. He probably had to eat and run. I bet He didn’t even get to finish His coffee. A martyr’s work is never done. After reading this, I hope that this whole thing is now cleared out. Maybe now you can see who is really the crazy one. All is takes is a little logic to explain how this religious stuff works. That’s about all I know about that theology stuff.

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